Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Yay! Flight news!

I got two letters from John today, which makes up for that fact that I didn't get any yesterday.  They had great news in them!  I now know John's flight schedule.  He gets in next Wednesday at 10:33.  I think he gets in at night, because he said he leaves the base at 1:00, and I doubt that they would be leaving at 1 in the morning.  It is the military, though, so I'll double check.  You never know.  I'm so excited, and so is John.  I think the fact that they have so many people in their platoon that don't want to do what they have to do is starting to really get to him.  I know it's frustrating to be continually getting punished when you're doing the right thing all the time, but that's the way the Army works.  I guess that's the whole point.  You just have to get used to it. 
He did the gas chamber last week.  Ick.  He said it was "hellish, but it was an experience."  I guess that means he's glad he did it, but he's also glad it's behind him.  I would be, too.  He seemed a little bummed that he doesn't get his letters as regularly as he would like.  I send them everyday, but I guess that doesn't mean he gets them everyday.  Well, that's pretty much it as for as news from John goes.
We had a nasty storm here in Omaha.  I spent an hour scraping an inch-thick sheet of ice off of my car this morning.  It was not fun.  If you live here and you've yet to go outside, don't bother.  It isn't worth it. 
Liz Nye

Friday, December 07, 2007

Is Not Tithing a Sin

“There is no sin which does not involve idolatry.” John and Paula Sandford

I see no reason to disagree with this statement, which appears to be a benign fact. They go on to address different sins, which are the breaking of commandments. I agree with the sin of theft and adultery, but then they go on to say that if we don’t go to church on Sunday we have made an idol of whatever we do instead. I agree that fellowship is powerful and necessary for a Christian’s health, but there is nothing magic about Sunday. They then go on to say if we do not pay tithing we are worshipping our money and sinning. I disagree with all Christians on this principle. Tithing is an Old Testament law and any Christian sermon concerning the principle is based on Old Testament scriptures. Pastors and churches feel compelled to enforce this legalism on their congregations to ensure adequate funds to build their empires of buildings, missions, etc. If a Christian is sinning for not following the law of tithing, then Christians have fallen short of all the laws concerning circumcision and the Sabbath observances. Just as Jesus fulfilled the laws, which were all shadows of his kingdom principles with a higher meaning, the tithing principle is to lead to a higher principle of generosity of more than money, but our life. If tithing was a New Testament rule I guarantee that Paul would have admonished new Christians to send him the money and used this to make them feel guilty if they didn’t.